We are excited to be taking our first steps out of quarantine as a church! Join us under the pavilion at the Byron Sesquicentennial Park as we come together for our first weekly prayer meeting since early March! Bring a lawn chair if you like and bug spray. Wear a mask if you feel the need , there’s plenty of room to be at safe distances, come and enjoy an evening of prayer with your brothers and sisters!
In Acts 2:42, we read that the early church was devoted to prayer. At The Village Church, prayer is one of our core beliefs and values. Prayer is a part of our weekly worship gatherings. We have a prayer email that we send out whenever someone from the church requests prayer. And, there is a small group of people that meet for prayer every Sunday morning at the high school.
Prayer in the Park will be an opportunity for anyone wishing to spend time in prayer for the church, the community, and our country. More importantly, this time together will be an opportunity for us to gather and pray for one another.
All are welcome! There is no childcare.