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Camp Barakel Fall Cleanup

A work crew is heading to Camp Barakel on October 27-28. Work will be general fall cleanup: brush clearing, tree-cutting, leaf-raking, dorm/cabin cleaning. The work isn’t just for the men either; ladies are more than welcome to go! This is a great opportunity for husbands and wives to serve together!

  • Lodging Friday night and three meals on Saturday is provided.

  • You can arrive anytime you wish on Friday, but food is your responsibility. The camp is not serving any meals on Friday, only Saturday.

  • You will want to bring any normal camp items, i.e. toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow.

  • If you own them, you are welcome to bring any rakes, brooms, chainsaws, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Kingsley at (517) 204-3682.

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Earlier Event: October 23
Christmas In The Village Planning Meeting
Later Event: November 5