Having a sister who will walk alongside of you in this life, as we live it for the Lord, is so important. Someone who understands, someone who will encourage, someone who will hold you accountable.
Join us as we build relationships with other women who can do just that! Sign up below so we know how many to expect.
There will be no childcare, so moms can catch their breath and be distraction-free to fellowship for awhile.
At February’s fellowship, we will be talking about the various gifts God has given us with which to serve and glorify His name. A Spiritual Gifts Assessment is a tool that can help us realize what God has prepared within each of us for the task He has given us in this life. Take the assessment (https://spiritualgiftstest.com/) and bring your results with you for a deeper discussion on how your unique gifts can be used at The Village Church in 2020 and for the Kingdom!