Direction through this new COVID Season

Village Church Family and Friends,


On Sunday, November 15th, 2020, two important events took place.  Someone attended the Sunday morning service who later developed symptoms which required testing and subsequently on Monday the 16th, a rapid test showed they were positive for COVID-19. And secondly, the governor of the State of Michigan announced a three-week, COVID-related shutdown. Both of these events have prompted questions from you and rightly so. You have asked, “What will we do since there’s been a COVID exposure at a church gathering?” and “What will we do in light of the governor’s announcement?” However, the answer to these questions does not ultimately come from asking, “What will we do in light of these circumstances?” Rather, the answer comes from asking, “What will we do in light of God’s commands to his people, the church?”

  1. We will continue gathering for in person worship on Sunday mornings for all who choose and are able to attend. We are a church and we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ our King—and our King calls us to gather (1 Corinthians 14:26, Hebrews 10:25). The negative spiritual impact of churches deciding not to gather for three months earlier this year are incalculable and will be felt and dealt with for some time to come. The written order from the governor’s office (Emergency Order MCL 333.2253, section 10, para. d.) states that no place of religious worship or those who gather for the purpose of religious worship at said place will be penalized for doing so. Praise God for his provision that, at this time, his church may still freely gather!

  2. We will continue to be a place where an individual or family will be respected and loved no matter what COVID-19 safety precautions they choose to follow or how they follow them. Christ calls his people to unity (1 Corinthians 12:25, Ephesians 4:3) and says the world knows we are his disciples when we love one another (John 13:35). We do ask, if you’re not feeling well or if you are experiencing COVID symptoms, please stay home.

  3. We will continue to provide, as well as work to improve upon, our live stream ability in order to continue ministering through song, prayer, and the preaching of God’s Word to those who are at a higher risk due to other health concerns, are quarantined due to COVID, or are otherwise not feeling well and must worship from home. If you end up confined to your home during this season and find yourself in need of help in any way, such as: groceries, prayer visitation, a necessary errand, or whatever it may be, please reach out to the church so that we can get you the help that you need! Many in the church stand ready to minister to the needs of the body during this season and visiting and caring for the sick is at the heart of obedience to Christ (Matthew 25:36).

  4. We will continue seeking ways to carry on and encourage the discipling ministry of The Village Church. Being without our own building presents challenges, but this is not something that is new to us. It simply means that we need to be creative and think in new, smaller ways, to oversee growth and discipleship with fellow Christians. Don’t simply give up growing in your walk with Christ or the pursuit of being a godly man or woman because ministry groups can’t meet right now. Along with praying for it, we must take active steps to deepen our devotion to God’s Word, to prayer, to fellowship, and to unity (Acts 2:42). Actions like this, taken now, serve to strengthen us for when the church someday faces real persecution and hardship (John 16:33).

This direction comes through much prayer and counsel from God’s Word and from people both in and outside of The Village Church. It is our sincere hope and prayer that you will see and hear the heart of Christ in all of this. We do not think that we know better than anyone else. We do not think that those who disagree or do differently than us are wrong or should do as we have done. We simply desire to glorify, honor, and obey the Lord’s commands and to make the best possible decision for the people that are entrusted to our care at The Village Church. It is not from of a lack of care and concern for the health and safety of people around us that we have come to these decisions. It is, rather, out of great care and concern for the eternity of the souls around us and of obedience to the Lord God’s commands, that these decisions have been made. We must live out the gospel. We must especially live out the gospel when it seems like it is the last thing we can do. This year has been turbulent to say the least. However, we can, as the Psalmist says, “Thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man.”

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at