The Village Church During COVID-19/Coronavirus

Many have been asking what the plan will be for The Village Church going forward through this COVID-19/Coronavirus public health crisis. In order to most effectively care for you during this season, the Elders of the Village Church have made the following decisions:

  • From now through April 5th, 2020, in compliance with state and local officials, there will be no regular Sunday morning gatherings of The Village Church. To continue in the weekly ministry of God’s word and prayer, we will offer an online gathering point at 10am, each Sunday, on The Village Church Facebook page ( You do not need facebook to watch these live videos.

  • For the most up-to-date information relating to The Village Church during this season, visit

  • If you haven't yet, visit and signup for our weekly Village News/email distribution list so you receive email updates. Also, sign up for Village Church text alerts by texting “villagechurch” to the number 24587. This allows us to communicate critical or emergency information to you immediately. You can also stay current by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

  • During this season, Village Men’s/Women’s Meetings, Village Homes, and Wednesday Night Prayer will continue. Notifications of any cancellations will be communicated as quickly as possible through the means provided above. We encourage you to utilize these small gathering outlets to stay connected with the church. Please exercise caution when attending these gatherings. If you aren’t feeling well, stay home.

  • Call and check on one another. Care for one another and your neighbors. At The Village Church, we bang the drum of the two great commandments. God has given us great opportunity to show our devotion to the first (“Love the Lord Your God with all…") by living the second (“Love your neighbor as yourself”).

  • When interacting with people, exercise the cautionary measures advised by health officials:

    • Wash hands frequently for 20 seconds or more with warm water and soap

    • Frequent use of hand sanitizer

    • Greet one another peaceably, but no handshakes/hugs (bring back the “peace” sign/thumbs up).

    • If you are not feeling well or don’t need to go out, stay home

    • If you start to exhibit symptoms (fever, cough, trouble breathing) seek medical attention

  • If you are elderly or have serious health concerns about going out, but you need help getting groceries or other needs taken care of, please call/text the church at (989) 372-0750.

  • If I can help care for you during this time by coming to visit, praying, or opening the Bible with you, please call/text the church (989) 372-0750.

  • If you have any questions whatsoever, if we can help you in any way, please contact us at or by phone at (989) 372-0750.

  • Above all, do not give in to fear. Remember that the Church is the bride of Christ. She has endured worse than quarantines and coronavirus. She will endure to the end of days because her groom, the Sovereign Lord over all things, has promised to return for her, that where He is we may be also.

It is an honor to be your pastor.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor John
(You can contact Pastor John at any time at