All Family Sunday

"But Jesus called them to him, saying, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.'" Luke 18:16

One of the most resounding things that kept coming to us, we began praying about and asking God what this, then nameless church plant idea, was all supposed to look like, was the importance of family. A church, after all, is a gathering of individuals and families. We kept seeing the importance of children and family in Scripture. We felt God burden us very early on to have opportunity for families to worship together.

This Sunday will be our first official "All Family Sunday." We're also sharing in the Lord's Supper. So, I felt there were probably a few important things to say.

  1. Kids don't sit still long or stay quiet very long. They squirm and make noise and want to play. And it is beautiful. It's probably wise for all of us adults to remember that this Sunday may be a little squirmier and a little noisier than normal and that's ok.
  2. We are observing communion this Sunday. I'm gong to teach about it then, so I won't be long here. Parents, it's up to you with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Talk with your child about it. If your child has believed in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and has confessed with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, they're saved and communion is for them. If there is confusion or they just don't know, have them pass until they understand it better and that's ok.
  3. To those without children: don't diminish the life God has given you or the role and witness of God in the life of a child because you're not a parent. Be thankful for future generations, and have great patience (or even helpful hand to lend) to those who are raising them.

I often consider those who don't handle children "disrupting church" so well (myself included) and then I start to think about that early church. What on earth do we think that was?! I have no doubt, it was moments of sheer chaos. I know this, I want my children with me in church. I want my wife and I with them, to worship together, pray together hear the Word together, even if they don't quite get it yet. I want them to see you. I want them to see adults worshipping the Lord. And I want your children to see the same thing. It's going to be great! See you Sunday!

Grace & Peace,

(You can reach Pastor John at