Being a Disciple Means Learning

"Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20

Discipleship is the hardest part of the Great Commission. Christians and churches have really made it a messy thing over the years. Discipleship is hard, because that is where we begin learning all that Christ teaches. And, in that learning is where the Holy Spirit begins to sanctify our lives. Sanctify, that might be a strange word to some. It simply means the cleaning out of worldly, sinful ways and being filled with holy, Godly ways. And, sanctification can be an extremely uncomfortable place as ungodly patterns we have had for many years are confronted by the truth of His Word.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor in Nazi Germany during World War II and author of "The Cost of Discipleship" wrote, "Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ." And, discipleship without learning is not discipleship. Jesus commands that we proclaim the Gospel, baptize new believers, and teach them all that He commands. Many preach and many baptize, but oftentimes the teaching then falls to the wayside as though two-thirds of the Great Commission was enough to accomplish the whole. But, it is in the teaching where the seed of the Gospel is watered and grows and blooms and blossoms into something amazing - a maturing follower of Jesus Christ. We cannot escape the call to teach and to learn as disciple-making-disciples of Jesus Christ. It is found throughout the Word.

Maybe you are a new believer and as you read this you are saying to yourself, "I'd like to learn more about this Jesus that has saved me! I'd like to know Him better and share Him with others. But, I don't know where to start." Maybe you are intimidated by opening the Bible to read, where to start, what to read. Maybe you would like to start learning how to pray or maybe you just have questions about what church is, why we sing, why we give. Well, then I'm glad you are reading this, because we have people standing ready to come alongside of you in your new faith in Jesus Christ and help you with these exact things. 

If you are looking for help and where to begin growing in your walk with Christ, please reach out to us today and we will connect you with some very kind, caring, and patient people who will walk next to you and help you build on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ as you learn to observe all that Christ commands.

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at