"Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved." Acts 2:47
As we head into our second week of prayer in our 30 Days of Prayer for Christmas Eve Journey, this week I want to draw our attention to praying for favor with all the people. In the passage of Scripture that the above verse comes from, it is important to note what the believers did to earn the favor of the people. They followed the Lord in devotion to His teachings, fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer. They bore the burdens of one another and cared for one another. They spent time together and they were visible to the people around them, not hidden, concealed, embarrassed, ashamed.
I love when new people join us for our worship gatherings and I love that the Lord gives us a voice to proclaim His truth to them, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But we cannot rely solely on the drawing of people into our fellowship. We must be out among them.
Next Friday is Byron's Christmas in the Village. We will have the opportunity to be seen, to talk, to meet, and I pray, to share the Good News of Jesus with someone. As we are in prayer this next week, let's pray that our lives before the Lord would bring His continued hand of favor upon our church body in our community. That His favor would lead to the favor of the people around us. And, not so we can feel good about something we did but that we might also see the Lord add daily to His Kingdom those who are being saved!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)