Be a Burden Bearer

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

We all desire to obey the law. We see a speed limit sign, we drive the number on it. We see a no trespassing sign, we don't go beyond that boundary. We hear any number of The Ten Commandments and we look at our life and make sure we are in line. 

So, in our attempt to be law-abiding citizens in a home not of this world, what burdens belonging to your brothers and sisters around you are you carrying right now?

I love the verse I used up there. I quote it frequently. It is at the core of what I believe people should find among Christians. And, according to the Word of God, bearing the burdens of your brothers and sisters fulfills the law of Christ. There is tremendous opportunity for growth in the Lord when someone has a safe confident place to share their burdens and find Godly, Biblical accountability and encouragement.

I'd like to point out that the passage this comes from, Galatians 6, is not a passage directed at church leaders, pastors, or teachers. It's directed to the Church at large. That's all of us. So in my calling as a pastor to equip you for the work of the ministry, I must be diligent to call out the things we must do. And one of the things we must do is to bear one another's burdens.

One of the greatest ways to step into this law-fulfilling action is to connect with other believers and a great way to do that is the Village Homes ministry. These homes offer the opportunity to meet with other believers. And, when you are comfortable, share the burdens you have so that others can help you with them and pray for you. I'd encourage you to take this bold step in your life and watch the Lord begin working. The more people that take this step, the better we can all be at fulfilling the law of Christ.

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at