VBS Week

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7

As I'm writing this, we are exactly half way through Time Lab Vacation Bible School. The Lord has blessed us with beautiful weather and attendance has been outstanding! The unity of all of the workers, from both churches, has been amazing! There is a great spirit of enthusiasm each night as we come together. We take time each night to focus on two things. First, that we can't do any of it without the Lord's help. Second, we are doing all of it that these children and their families might be saved!

This Sunday is Celebration Sunday and we are inviting every child and their family to join us! It is our prayer that many of them will!

Sunday, June 17th at 10am, we will gather with the Byron Baptist Church at their facility for a day of celebrating the Lord and what He has done!

There are some awesome and exciting changes coming up for children's ministry at The Village Church. If you have been thinking about joining the Village Children's Crew, now is the time to do it! Click here to join the Children's Crew or find info about other Village Work Crews!

On behalf of the team of people working to put on Time Lab VBS, thank you for praying! We're fighting exhaustion. We're running to the end. And, we know that our God will be faithful to do awesome things in the lives we have met this week! We are looking forward to celebrating with you on Sunday!

Grace & Peace,

(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)