What prevents you from being baptized?

"And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, 'See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?'" Acts 8:36

Last weekend was awesome! From a full day of interacting with people at Byron Family Fun Day, to Sunday morning's worship, the proclamation of the Word, and our first baptism in the Shiawassee River! What a day! 

First off, thank you to every single person that served last weekend! From the setup of the booth in the vendor area, to talking with people throughout the day, to teardown that night and then set up, worship, and teardown Sunday. You all served with enthusiasm, loved the community, and honored the Lord! Thank you!

Second, how encouraging and inspirational to see a man courageously step forward, profess his faith in Jesus Christ and be baptized! I've prayed for that man's life and his family often this past week.

We have the baptismal set up every Sunday at the school and some may wonder why, since people aren't baptized every week. The reason is in the verse above; we don't ever want to prevent someone's obedience in this area. If you have ever had questions about baptism, or you want to talk to someone about being baptized, please let us know! Don't let anything prevent you from obeying Christ! Call me. I'll meet you down at the river any day!

Grace & Peace,

(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)