Celebrate Good Times!

"After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem." John 5:1

Feasts and celebrations were a big deal in Jesus'  time! Everyone participated! People would travel for miles and miles to make sure they were where they needed to be when a festival came up!

We don't fully understand this in our culture, but we understand parties and holidays! Certainly our countries most important holiday and one of the biggest celebrations of the summer is coming up this next week; the Fourth of July! A time when we celebrate the independence of our nation.

Just a little over a week after the Fourth of July is another important celebration. Byron Family Fun Day falls on the second Saturday of July every year, as this is close to the timeframe of the founding of the Village of Byron.

You may be out and about for 4th of July festivities. If you are, I pray that you will be safe in your travels and seek opportunities to share the truth and love of Jesus with those you are blessed to spend time with.

Let's turn out as a church for Byron Family Fun Day and meet new people in the community! There is a full day of activities planned in the village. Watch the parade! Make a cardboard river boat! Stroll the vendor area. Watch the fireworks! As a church we will have a booth in the vendor area at the park. Sign up to serve or just come out and spend time with people! Make yourself available to talk to, pray with, and answer questions. Jesus made time to be with people during feasts and celebrations. As our country and our small community celebrate, let's get out there, following Jesus' example, and be with the people also.

Grace & Peace,

(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)