Making Disciples

"Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law." Proverbs 29:18

I have always had a strong belief that people who are members or regular attenders of a church should know, understand, and be able to talk about what their church is about. Like if someone asked you, "Hey where do you go to church?" and you responded, "Oh, I go to The Village Church" and they began to ask you questions about The Village Church, you would have the answers. Now, I'm not saying you should have all the answers, and some questions are so complex that you may not know. Please, always feel free to contact me whenever that may happen!

Part of the prophetic vision that keeps us from casting of restraint at The Village Church is making disciples! This is like prime directive number one for the follower of Jesus Christ and it carries over into the body of Jesus Christ, the Church!

I hope you will join us over the next few Sundays, as we look a little more closely at this topic, the work of making disciples, it's for all of us! I am praying that God will save someone, as we look at what disciples are. I am praying that you will be encouraged in your life as a disciple maker. I am praying that we, as Christ's body here in Byron and the surrounding area, will become more effective and passionate about disciple making. That God will continue to bless us as we keep the law.

If you are new to our church family and interested in learning more about us or if you are with us each week and just want a refresher, you can click here and listen to a message from this past February about the biblical vision and direction of The Village Church.

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at