"All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother ofJesus, and his brothers." Acts 1:14
We are on week five of working to grow in our daily walk with the Lord. How are you doing? What step are you on? It's okay to not be ready for week five and it is okay to still be working on week one. Where are you? We are all at different points in our walk with the Lord. However, we should all be taking steps and working toward a deeper relationship with Him, whom to know is life eternal.
#1 Commit time each day to the study of God's Word.
#2 Begin forming regular prayer habits that will lead to a life of prayer.
#3 Connect prayer and the study of God's Word.
#4 Make time to study God's Word with other Christians.
For week five: Make time to pray with other Christians. Christians gathering together for prayer is something lost in our culture of nominal Christianity. Prayer together for the burdens and cares of others and for the things that the Bible calls us to pray for simply doesn't happen as it should. This is one of the reasons that we have a weekly prayer meeting at The Village. People were burdened that we not just have lists of prayer, a prayer email, or that we only pray when we're gathered on Sunday. Rather, that in addition to these we would also gather for the intent and sole purpose of praying together, for one another and with one another. It's a rare thing. Most churches don't have a prayer meeting anymore and the reasons are awful, with the worst being "no one will come." I'm quite certain the Bible never tells us to do anything based on who will show up. Christians not gathering for prayer is in direct opposition to what we see in the Scripture and throughout church history.
So for us, let's be in unity with the Scriptural directive from God and in opposition to the culture of nominal Christianity that surrounds us. Let's not just be known as a people of prayer, let's actually be a people of prayer. Let's gather regularly and specifically with other Christians for the purpose of prayer. If you were to start searching the Bible and reading about what has happened when God's people pray, it will blow your mind and change your perspective. Start with the verse above, and those that follow. Read Acts 1 and 2 and see what happens when they were gathered in prayer. I prayed for you today, wherever you are in your walk in these challenges. That you would realize the work of God in your life as you surrender to Him. I hope you're coming to the worship night on Saturday and I hope to see you Sunday morning!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)