"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Romans 12:10
The Bible doesn't often call us to a competition with one another but I won't lie; when I read the above verse, I think about Christians going out of their way to make sure someone else feels more honored than they have felt themselves.
Let's not miss the point of the verse: "love one another." As if we didn't hear enough of it through our study of First John, not to mention the rest of the Bible, here it is again! Loving one another is one of the highest marks of a true believer and this love is to be accompanied by true humility.
This verse isn't a call for the church to have a contest to see who can honor the other person better. It is a call for the church, the body of Christ, to in all things, love one another and make sure we are honoring others to the furthest possible extent. This Sunday, we will revisit the first and second greatest commandments while exploring how we can add brotherly affection to our faith through the life of one of the greatest characters of the Old Testament.
Until then, get out there and love and show honor to one another. It's how the world knows that we are Jesus' disciples! See you Sunday!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)