"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching..." 2 Timothy 4:3
This Sunday, we are starting a new sermon series that I am very passionate about. Sound Doctrine is not only aimed at exposing various false doctrines that exist, it is intended to either plant your feet firmly on the Biblical doctrines of our faith or help remind you of the foundation on which we stand.
Our foundation is Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Word of God, and Paul warns in First Corinthians that we are to build very carefully upon that foundation. This Sunday we will explore how to identify sound doctrine verses false doctrine and how to know if a teacher you are listening to is a false teacher or a misguided teacher. It is my prayer that, whether a new or more mature believer, Sound Doctrine will help guide you into God's Word and help you grow in your walk with Him as a disciple maker for Jesus Christ.
As we go through this series, write down your questions! Get a few people together and work through them. Contact me; I love walking through the Bible with people! It is in our deeper, personal study that the Word truly begins to come alive as God teaches us what is good!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)