Love Them Means Know Them

"After this there as a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem." John 5:1

This Saturday, July 13th, is Byron Family Fun Day. It's kind of the unofficial observance of the towns founding. I've been talking about it for a couple weeks on Sunday morning mentioning the various things to be involved and take part in. I haven't started building my cardboard boat, but I'll have it ready by race time Saturday!

I'm passionate about things that go on in our community, things that bring people together. What is the reason why I'm passionate about this? It is because in the Bible I see Jesus passionate about being with people! He didn't miss festivals and Jewish observances. He didn't miss weddings or funerals. I have no idea if they celebrated birthdays, but if they did, I'd imagine Jesus was there too, eating cake and ice cream!

This Saturday is an opportunity to walk in the example that Jesus left for us. That's like one the truest definitions of Christianity, to be like Christ. Take some time this Saturday, check out the schedule of events or set apart the whole day, to come and hang out in and around the village and take part in this community celebration. You have no idea the door the Spirit of God may be waiting to open in someone's life simply because you made a cardboard boat and tried to float down the river, or ate some barbecue, or watched some fireworks. Join me and my family in Byron this Saturday. And, if we don't see you Saturday, we'll see you Sunday!

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at