Hello Village Family and Friends!
I can't believe we are staring down the end of 2020! While most people are probably thinking, "Good riddance," I am thanking the Lord for the year 2020 has been! One of the blessings of 2020 that I am thanking the Lord for has been the privilege to read through the entire Bible this year. As of today I am only 13 days away from completing the M'Cheyne One Year Reading plan. It's pronounced McShane, named after Robert Murray M'Cheyne, a Scottish Pastor. He was saved in 1831 and served as minister in the Church of Christ in Scotland at St. Peter's Church Dundee from 1836-1843. He passed away on March 25th, 1843, at 30 years old.
I found this plan in late December 2019. I liked that over the course of a year I would read the entire Old Testament once through, and Psalms and the Entire New Testament twice! Most days the average reading is 4 chapters from four books; two from two Old Testament books, and two from two New Testament books. I use the app on my phone and open my physical bible. You can listen to it. You can read on your smartphone or tablet, or even on your desktop computer. I have done all of these. But, for me, nothing beats using a physical Bible, which is my typical rule each day.
In 14 days I will be starting this plan all over again. I've invited quite a few people to join me in this reading plan. It is good and necessary for Christians to read the Bible. Moreover, it is good and necessary for Christians to read the entire Bible. I have learned so much this past year and I know that next year i will learn more new things! God's Word will speak to me in new ways. Something I didn't catch this past June will jump out this next June. I want to invite you on this journey with me! Download the YouVersion Bible app for Android or iPhone or visit my.bible.com and create a free account. Then come back to this email and click this link for the M'Cheyne One Year Reading Plan. Then, on January 1st, we'll start a year long journey that will provide more opportunities for growth, learning, and conversation than you can imagine. If technology is not your thing but you want to commit and join this reading plan, I can provide you with a paper copy of the plan!
I hope you will join me! I have greatly benefited from focused, daily time, reading through all of God's Word this year. And, since the Lord says that his word will not return back to him without accomplishing the purpose for which he sent it (Isaiah 55:11) I have a feeling you will benefit from it in your life as well! Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)