New In Christ!

Well, we are through with the first week of the year. How's that going for you? I've been dwelling on 2 Corinthians 5:17 this past week. "Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." I spoke to the youth group about this last Sunday night and men, if you're reading this, your welcome for the preview to our time Saturday morning.

"If anyone is in Christ..." Are you in Christ? Have you, through faith, placed your trust in Jesus Christ as Savior? Have you confessed and repented of sin? Have you been victoriously pulled from the darkness of the world and into the light of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ? Have you seen the victory of the Lord over sin in your life and felt the sweet release from its death grip? Are you striving to live according to God's word? If you haven't, you are still the old creation; nothing new, nothing changed, not in Christ. The Bible warns, "Today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart." Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, confess him as Lord of your life, live in submission to word and be new; be changed! I'd love to talk with you more about this. If you have any questions, please contact me!

If you are in Christ, the Bible says you are a new creation; a new creation! The old has gone, the new has come! Is the old gone, or at least going? If the old is hanging around, what change has there been? What new thing have you become? If you are in Christ, you should be becoming something different, something conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, something holy and pleasing to God. Are you pleasing to God? It's a new year, what is old and gone? What is new? I'm thankful for the areas of my life were I can see that the old is gone and the new is come. I'm actively working on the areas where the Spirit reminds me, "Hey! That's old, get rid of it!" I'm looking forward to being with the church and worshiping the Lord this Sunday. I'll see you there!

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at