This Sunday marks our 6th week of being back together as a church! Psalm 34:8 says, "Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack." I wanted to share with you some things that have been encouraging for me as a pastor over the last few weeks. I pray that they encourage you as well!
New people! Over the past 5 weeks we have had new people to our gatherings each week. People, whose testimonies we don't know, that we have been able to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ too as a church, in our worship, prayer, and preaching! So join me in praying that either God is drawing them to salvation or he is using our church to encourage them if they are believers.
New members! We have had 4 families over the past 2 months express interest in officially joining the Village Church as members of our local body!
New servants! Our current gatherings are pretty simple: some chairs, some audio/video gear, some musicians/singers, a couple of greeters, and a couple tables/signs. However, people are coming forward and asking how they can serve the church!
So many children! This passed Sunday, I stood on the steps with a few other parents, watching at least 20 children running and playing and having fun! This encourages me greatly! Church! God is trusting us to raise this generation for his purpose and his glory!
The church singing! It was so missed during the COVID quarantine, but these past Sundays, hearing you all lift your voice to God in praise has lifted my soul!
There are a number of real, legitimate reasons for people not yet joining us on Sunday night. However, if you don't have a reason, then join us! As the body is not whole without all of its parts, neither is the church whole without all of its people. We miss you! It's an exciting time to be with The Village Church! Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at