As we begin studying the attributes of God, there is important ground-work to lay before we get to God's specific attributes. Last week we defined what an attribute is and how we learn of God's attributes. This week we will briefly look at the attributes of God as they relate to the Trinity. I’m not sure there is enough room to get this done in one week.
The Trinity is a deep and essential doctrine of our faith; to deny this is to deny the one true God and His Word. The word “Trinity” is not explicitly stated in the Bible, however, the doctrine of the Trinity—in one eternal God, there exists three persons—is clearly revealed throughout the Bible. Jesus clearly identifies the three persons of the Trinity when He calls His followers to baptize new believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Mathew 28:19). Ephesians 4:4-6 calls Christians to unity by reminding us that, “There is one Spirit…one Lord…one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”
The Trinity is visible across the pages of Scripture. From creation (Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:1-3), to the baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22), and most definitely in bringing about the salvation of man (Titus 3:4-7, 1 Peter 1:2).
This basic beginning of biblical understanding as regards the Trinity is necessary for this reason: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all equally God and the attributes of God are all equally owned by each person of the Trinity.
A. W. Tozer wrote, “The doctrine of the Trinity…is truth for the heart. The fact that it cannot be satisfactorily explained, instead of being against it, is in its favor. Such a truth had to be revealed; no one could have imagined it.”
Go Deeper:
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at