Family Matters - The Children

Village Family and Friends,

I hope you are well, and that in whatever way you chose to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, your time was meaningful.

This Sunday we will close out this short series, Family Matters, by looking at the role of children. If you have never noticed, children are extremely important throughout the Bible; they are precious to the Lord and they are given to a husband and a wife as a great blessing and with great responsibility.

As the enemy of God and of God’s people, Satan, wages war on the biblical view of the family, we should understand that these precious, young blessings are also in view as a target. Join us as we consider, more than the children themselves, the great responsibility that we as parents, as adults, as a church have in the lives of our young people, our children.

I hope you are making plan to be involved in Christmas In The Village! What a wonderful opportunity to meet people in our community and share the truth and love of Christ with them! I’m looking forward to being with you this Sunday! To sing, pray, to hear Scripture , and to be together as a family. Lord willing, I’ll see you then!

Grace & Peace,

You can reach the elders anytime by email, call, or text at:
 Jon Collins,, (810) 869-3949
 John White,, (810) 275-4267