Advent: Prophecies of Christ's First Coming

Kind reader,

I pray that you are well and enjoying this unseasonably nice weather. I also hope to see you this Sunday as we worship the Lord in song, in prayer, in preaching, in reading and in our fellowship together. Each Sunday, God’s people spend specific time in worship of God. This time is sacred, and it is important. I pray that you are prioritizing gathering together with the people of God. This time lifts our eyes off of the sorrows and trials of our life and places them on an eternal hope given to us by a good and gracious Father, King, and Savior.

This Sunday, Mark and Franciska Richardson will be sharing, during the Sunday School hour, about where they are in the process of getting to Belize for gospel missionary work there. If you are unfamiliar with their story and are curious of what’s been going on with them, this will be an excellent opportunity to get the latest news! (Sunday School starts at 9am, and we do have Sunday School for all ages).

During our worship gathering, the preaching of God’s Word will look at the prophecies of Christ’s first coming and the impact those prophecies, already fulfilled at Christ’s birth, have on our lives today.

Sunday evening, Village Kids will put on their Christmas program, proclaiming the birth and Good News of Jesus in song! Come enjoy the evening with the kids and a time of fellowship afterwards.

We are still in the process of finalizing the budget. We had hoped to have this in your hands for review by this time, but the fine work of finalizing a new budget with so many new categories requires diligence than expedience. We do appreciate your patience in this area. We still hope to have this finalized and in your hands before the end of the year, with a likely vote just after he first of the year.

Church, I hope to see you this Sunday! I’m excited to sing God’s praise and worship the Almighty with you! Lord wiling, I’ll see you then!

Grace & Peace,

You can reach the elders anytime by email, call, or text at:
Jon Collins,, (810) 869-3949
John White,, (810) 275-4267