Make Disciples

Make Disciples. If we were on the game show Family Feud, there is no doubt that the survey would show these two words among the top answers given for the purpose of the church. And it is a good answer. The church has been commanded by Christ to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).

In the book, Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus (Dever, Crossway 2016) the author, Mark Dever says, “Discipleship is the term I use to describe our own following Christ. Discipling is the subset of that, which is helping someone else follow Christ.” I like this simple, working definition as I think it conveys the work we have to do. I must follow Christ. You must follow Christ. We must help each other follow Christ.

I have shared recently that I am excited about various ways I see discipleship and the discipling of Christians taking form early in 2024 here at Village Bible and I wanted to use this outlet to talk about some new opportunities that I hope you will take advantage of!

First, every Sunday when we gather, at 10am, and the word of God is opened, as we are encouraged to obey and follow Christ, discipleship is happening. In fact, I would contend that the greatest vehicle of discipleship that we can participate in is the corporate, local gathering of the church for the purpose of worshiping God. Prioritize this time every Sunday morning!

Starting Sunday, February 4th, a new adult class will be offered; Bringing Up Boys! This new Sunday School class, for parents, will seek to provide counsel and advice, specifically for those raising boys, from a firm foundation of biblical principles. Steve and Katie Heath will be leading the class. They have a heart to see parents raising and leading their kids to the Lord, and they have experience in doing so, with four adult children all living professed lives of faith in Jesus. Engage in a Sunday School class and grow with others!

Starting Tuesday, February 6 at 7pm, I will be leading a class of men through the book “Grounded in the Fatih” a study that aims to better train Christians in biblical and doctrinal knowledge in order to know the what and why of our faith. Deepen your understanding of God and his word!

Starting Wednesday, February 7, at 6:30pm, discipling efforts will take aim at our students! We are excited to begin midweek student ministry for all ages K-12! Kids K-5 will begin learning about The Bible being God’s Word through lessons from Creation to Abraham, Isaac, and sacrifice. Our teenage students, 6th-12th grade will begin studying the Gospel of Mark, Jesus’ acts of service, and how they to can serve God and how, when they’re service involves suffering, they can look to Jesus as their hope and help. This is an excellent place for you the Christian looking to serve and disciple someone to get involved. Our young people need to be pointed to Jesus and they need help following him and making decision to follow him. Get involved and serve! 

I’m out of room, so I’ll close with this question: What does discipleship and discipling look like in your life?

Grace & Peace,
You can reach the elders anytime by email, call, or text at:
Jon Collins,, (810) 869-3949
John White,, (810) 275-4267