Men From Among You

On Sunday, April 28th, the membership of Village Bible Church gathered for the purpose of deciding on three men to serve this body of believers as deacons, and on an elder-recommended capital improvement fund (for upgrading/updating various things around the church building).

With 71 out of 92 members present, and two-thirds of the membership present necessary for a passing vote (47/71), the men being voted for as deacons were overwhelmingly approved, receiving a combined total of only two “no” votes.

The recommended capital improvement fund was also approved with a 66 yes to 4 no, vote.

We accept these results as God’s continued direction and provision for our church.

On the subject of deacons, in Acts 6:2 it says “the twelve,” that is the disciples, also know as apostles, summoned together the whole number of believers to resolve an issue that had come up among them. In Acts 6:3, the disciples say to the gathered church, “[Pick] out from among you…men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty.”

We are thankful that God has allowed us to identify three men to serve our church. But they are just three men. We know that more deacons (and elders!) will be necessary for our church and so we want to keep this point out in front of you: men from among you.

It is both a wonderful and serious responsibility for the church to participate with the Lord’s work in this way. Whether an elder or a deacon, we know that the work of God in the lives of men produces those who are of good, Godly character and wisdom who can labor in the word and in prayer —elders, and in serving the tangible needs of the church—deacons.

There is, however, a warning for us in all of this excitement. Whenever a new elder or deacons is established in the church, we must be careful and guard against thinking, “They’ll get it done.” It is incumbent upon all of us to serve one another. We must guard against idleness in the church and the best guard against idleness in the church is obeying God’s Word. The Scriptures call God’s people to “serve one another” (2 Peter 2:10), not to watch the deacons serve everyone. The Bible calls God’s people to “stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25), not to sit around and leave it to the pastor’s sermon to stir and encourage everyone. Ephesians 4:15-17 says when the body is joined and held together by Christ and is working properly, the body grows and is built up in love. Let us be that body!

Village Bible Church now has two elders and three deacons; praise the Lord! This is a good, healthy step for our church. But the work is not over. Now is the time to unite in prayer and be watchful for potential future elders and deacons, who will labor in the word and prayer and serve the needs of the church.

You may be asking, “How will I know if I am seeing a potential future elder or deacon?” Here are three things to help you. One, be very familiar with 1 Timothy 3:1-13, 1 Peter 5:1-4. Titus 1:5-9, and Acts 6:3; these are the main passages for the qualifications for pastors and deacons. Two, pray for the men of our church. Three, keep your eye open for the man who is shepherding without a title, the guy caring for and meeting the needs of others. You may be witnessing the next elder or deacon and you may get the joy of recommending that man for potential service to the church.

Grace & Peace,

John White

You can reach the elders anytime by email, call, or text at:
Jon Collins,, (810) 869-3949
John White,, (810) 275-4267