“They Prayed And Laid Their Hands On Them”

Village Bible family and friends,

I pray that you are well, resting and trusting in all of the goodness of God to us through faith in Jesus.

Acts 6:6 says that after the church had chosen men from among them to serve the need present, they set them before the apostles and they prayed and laid their hands on them.

On April 28, 2024, 3 men were chosen out from among the body of believers here at Village Bible to serve us as deacons: Dave Buswell, Tim Dooling, and Steve Kingsley.

This Sunday, June 2, following the model that we see in Scripture, we will pray over these men as a church and commit them to the work of being a deacon among us.

This is a special moment for us as a church, and it is a great reminder. Being a deacon is not just an ordinary job filled by the best candidate with the most experience; this is a specifically called out office in the church of the Living God. It is very right, then, that we spend some time as a church family, praying for these men and also for future men who will serve us not only as deacons but as pastors too.

We must be mindful that our work is not done just because we have a plurality of elders and a handful of deacons. We should always be praying for the next elder, the next deacon, indeed even the next Sunday School teacher, children’s worker, and missionary!

On the note of service, Vacation Bible School is just a week away. Are you serving in some capacity? Have you committed to pray? Have you reached out to neighbor kids, friends kids, your own kids? And invited them to participate? Vacation Bible School is one the greatest outreach opportunities that a church had throughout the year, and with the way of the world today, it is more necessary than ever for us to be on the frontlines of proclaiming truth to the younger generations. Consider today how you may be able to be involved! 

I am thankful for everyone that I am able to serve with here at Village Bible and I pray that our service to the King brings glory to his name and proclaims his truth while demonstrating his love to the world around us—to Byron.

I’m looking forward to gathering with you this Sunday. Let us sing loudly, pray fervently, listen intently, and love genuinely to the glory of God in heaven. Lord willing, I’ll see you then!

Grace & Peace,


You can reach the elders anytime by email, call, or text at:
Jon Collins, jcollins@thevillagemi.com, (810) 869-3949
John White, jwhite@thevillagemi.com, (810) 275-4267