"That They May Be Saved."

Village Bible family and friends,

I pray that you are well, resting and trusting in all of the goodness of God to us through faith in Jesus.

If you have spent time this past week in prayer for the effort of VBS, merely saying “Thank you” fans short.

As I write this the kids are in their rotations on the fourth night of VBS. We have had great weather. We have had a great turnout. There has been a lot of good fellowship and getting to know one another among the workers serving. We’ve been able to have conversations with various parents dropping off and picking up their kids. There have been great questions asked by kids, as the truth of God impacts their heart and mind.

We have spent this week looking at the Seven C’s of history—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation. It’s Thursday, and tonight we are focusing on Christ and Cross. The Gospel is being planted and watered among the 60 some odd kids that have been present this week.

As VBS week approaches it’s end, our prayer focus needs to shift from the week and all of the activity and work that takes place, to the continued work of the Holy Spirit as these kids go to their homes; many of them to homes that we do not know. 

Paul, lamenting for the salvation of his own people, Jewish descendants of Abraham in the 1st century, wrote, in Romans 10:1, “My heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.”

As VBS comes to a close may it truly be our desire to see the seed of the gospel, planted and watered this week, spring forth to the fruit of salvation to the praise of God’s glory and grace.

At first thought, we may think, “Yeah! We need to pray for all those children and homes we do not know.” And we do! But I want to make sure we are not losing sight of the many children of our own church. Let us pray both for those children we do not know, who we may never see again as well as those who will be gathered with us this Sunday as we sing, and pray, and read, and preach. 

As we gather this Sunday and you see the children of our church, or any child, ask them how VBS was! Ask them what they learned! Look for ways to speak into the lives of our young people with the truth and love of Jesus Christ. Lord willing, I’ll see you Sunday!

Grace & Peace,

John White

You can reach the elders anytime by email, call, or text at:
Jon Collins, jcollins@thevillagemi.com, (810) 869-3949
John White, jwhite@thevillagemi.com, (810) 275-4267