30 Days of Prayer for Christmas Eve 2019

Hello Church!

It is hard to believe that we are about to embark into another season of holiday activities! If this is the only reminder you receive over the next several busy weeks, don’t forget what is truly important. Maintain your relationship with the Lord through diligent time in the Word, time in prayer, and time with other believers! It’s not the meals or decorations or gifts people will remember, it’s being together. Remember, around us always are those who do not carry the hope and light of Jesus Christ, and they don’t need us distracted by something that holds no eternal value. Love God, love people!

For the past couple of years, as we approach our Christmas Eve gathering, we have committed as a church, to thirty days of prayer. And, we are calling the church to this again in 2019!

We have been extremely thankful for the opportunity that the Lord has given us to work with Byron Baptist Church over the past couple of years. From The Break and community youth group, to vacation Bible school, our two churches have enjoyed wonderful unity in the Spirit as we co-labor in our community for the sake of the Gospel. We are extremely excited about the opportunity to provide our community with a joint Christmas Eve worship gathering. I met with Pastor Gary yesterday and through a wonderful planning meeting it is quite clear that the Lord is out ahead of our planning. More specific details about Christmas Eve and how you can be involved will be coming very soon!

In the meantime, we are calling the church to spend thirty days in prayer starting November 24th, for this endeavor into our community for the sake of the Kingdom. How can you pray?

  1. Pray that the churches would walk united in the Lord (John 17:20-21) and in purpose (Philippians 1:27) as we bring the gospel to our community this Christmas.

  2. Pray that the Lord would continue to go before us in planning that every point and every detail would be in accordance with His will, for His purpose, (Proverbs 19:21).

  3. Pray for the protection and good health of those in the church body that we may labor for the Lord without distraction or interruption, (Ezra 8:21-23).

  4. Pray for the lost souls who will be invited to join us on Christmas Eve, that all of our interaction with unsaved people would be a planting of the gospel seed in their life, (1 Corinthians 3:7).

  5. Pray for salvation, for rebirth, for real, gospel conversion of lost souls from dead in sin to alive in Christ, (John 3:3-7, Romans 10:1, Ephesians 2:4-7).

  6. Pray that in all things, through this season and beyond, we will glorify the name of our Father in heaven and lift high the name of His Christ, the Lord Jesus, in our work (John 12:28-32, 2 Peter 2:9).

So, let’s pray church! Join me, starting Sunday, November 24th, in daily prayer for all that is in front of us over the next several weeks. Let’s be diligent in prayer, pleading for the souls of men, for God to do in and through us what we, quite simply, cannot do without Him!

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)