"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path." -Proverbs 3:5-6
Don't think I haven't realized that there is less daylight everyday, that the temps are colder, and that many more 65-70 degree Sunday mornings are unlikely. As I write this, November is one week away. This past week 102 people joined in worship at the sign shop, spilling into the driveway with the garage doors open and the sun shining. The question among many is, "What are you going to do when the snow flies?!" My answer is the same now as it was before we knew that the sign shop is where we would be gathering this fall.
- We are going to continue trusting the Lord who has graciously provided all that we have needed to this point.
- We are not going to try and figure out by human understanding that which God has already planned out for us.
- We are going to acknowledge Him in everything that we do, making His Great Name known every step of the way!
As we keep taking steps forward and asking God to open doors, the leading opportunity that we can see is the Byron High School. Byron High School presents some great opportunities! An easily recognizable location. Plenty of space. Plenty of parking. Opportunity to figure out logistics and plan for Christmas Eve. Opportunity to grow. Without serious effort on our part, we have had visitors come through our doors the last two weeks, the first of many I believe.
We are going to walk down the straight path that He will make as we rely on Him. I hope you are as excited by all of this as I am! Join with me in prayer for God's direction!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)