"The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." -Proverbs 16:9
Todd shared this verse a couple of weeks ago during our Sunday prayer time and I've been pondering it a lot lately.
Through months of prayer, many conversations, planning, shifting plans, scrapping plans and coming up with new plans, we have held fast that our planning is inconsequential to what the Lord wants us to do. No, there isn't anything wrong with planning and preparation, to say so is unbiblical. But, to think that our plans alone are going to allow us to do anything, is also unbiblical. We plan and prepare and seek the Lord, and if it is in line with God's will, He allows us to step forward for His kingdom.
Doors haven't flung wide open for us in any of the buildings or locations we desired to meet in. God did open the doors of a building through local, humble, Christian business owners. The sign shop has been a great place to get things off the ground, but it's been getting pretty tight in there. And that was before a massively successful trunk-or-treat where people didn't really know us yet.
The last week of October we started talking with the school more about meeting there on a weekly, recurring basis. We were told that was a possibility, but arranging everything would take some time, maybe a month! So we started planning, at least through November, to be at the sign shop.
Then the day after trunk-or-treat, November 1st, the school contacted us and said that everything was all set for us to start meeting there as early as this Sunday, November 5th.
Before any confusion sets in, we will be at the sign shop this Sunday, November 5th!
Starting next Sunday, November 12th at 10am, we will begin meeting at Byron High School, in the cafeteria. We don't know how long we will meet there. There is a price involved. There is labor involved. There are needed resources involved. There is a lot involved. So we will pray, have many conversations, plan, shift plans, scrap plans and come up with new plans, all while holding fast that if our plans are in line with the will of God, He will allow us to take another step for His kingdom in our community.
Church, you cannot know how beyond excited this pastor is to be on this unbelievable journey with you! Watch for a special email Sunday afternoon regarding further details about how you can be involved in this new chapter of The Village Church!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)