You are doing well!

"My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory." James 2:1

We're a pretty close, fun group of people at The Village Church. I love the fellowship and the time we have been spending getting to know one another. I truly feel that God has not just planted a church, but a family of people that truly care for one another, love the Lord, and a burden for the lost around them.

Many of us came out from The Rock Church in September, and to this point, most of us know pretty much everyone around us each weekend. however, over the next several weeks, that dynamic is slowly going to begin changing as we actively start pursuing the community to come in and hear of the wonderful love of the our Savior and Lord.

Our doors have not been closed to anyone, but they are about to be opened to everyone. Soon, new faces with new names from new families with new dynamics and circumstances will start coming into our midst.

We must make every effort to never lose the bond of peace that the Spirit has given us, but we must never allow that bond and peace with one another to cause us to show partiality as new people start to come in. Visitors and guests among us should be welcomed with as warm of a greeting and with as genuine a care as our brothers and sisters get now.

I want to challenge us as a church, as new people start to enter the doors each week, that we take time to catch their name. Maybe an occupation. Find out where someone lives and take a genuine interest in their life. Let's never be known as a church that shows partiality but one that as James 2:8 says, "If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, 'You shall Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing well."

Grace & Peace,

(You can reach Pastor John at