"If my people, who are called by my name,will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
This is one of the very first memory verses that my father ever had me learn. Over the years it has become very profound to me. It is a complex verse as far as how many words and the order they go in, but the simplicity of it is the Gospel itself! Realize your need for God, turn to God and repent, be forgiven and be made new.
This is precisely the message that we are praying for and working so hard to deliver to people throughout December and especially on Christmas Eve. I was inspired by our friends at Flint City Church this past week, when I learned that they were entering into a 40 day season of prayer.I felt a little nudge from the Holy Spirit to stir the same thing among us here at The Village. We talk often about being a church of prayer and a church in prayer and I could think of no greater season to commit to pray through than the one directly infront of us, where we are seeking to proclaim the Gospel to as many as would gather.
So beginning Friday, November 24th, I am calling the people of The Village Church to join me in 30 Days of Prayer for Christmas Eve. No special place, no set time, just a focused effort to pray daily for the work ahead of us.
Here is what we are praying for:
- Salvation. For Salvation to come to the homes of many who attend our Christmas Eve gathering. Maybe you have a specific family member or friend that you will be inviting, pray for them! Maybe you meet someone through community interaction, pray for them! Pray that God rescues many to His Kingdom.
- Resources. That God would supply, as He has been very faithful to do, the necessary resources for our Christmas Eve gathering. Your church leadership believes strongly in being wise stewards of our finances and resources. That said, we do hope to provide a nice, festive atmosphere for people who gather on Christmas Eve. There will be necessary equipment and decor.
- Health and Protection. Several weeks ago I wrote about going down to the sea in ships and doing business on great waters. That is precisely what we are doing right now for Christmas Eve. And you can be sure that the kingdom of darkness does not like it, does not want it, and will try to stop it. But our Warrior God tells us to stand firm! Pray for the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical protection of the body as attack is sure to come.
I hope you will join me for 30 Days of Prayer for Christmas Eve! I would love to pray for you specifically if I can, so please let me know! Keep your eyes open in this email for details and look for ways to be involved. It's going to take a Village trusting in the Lord with all of their might to make this Christmas Eve happen! Let's be diligent and devoted to prayer!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)