Sick, sick sick!

As I write this, my family is coming off of the better part of a week of having been very sick. It's one thing to miss church because it's cancelled, due to severe weather, or for some other emergency situation. To be sick and miss church is just miserable. We were thankful to join you all in spirit via the Facebook live-stream. We also want to say a big thank you to the many who demonstrated the love of Christ to our family, the many who offered to help with whatever we needed, and to the countless others who prayed for good health to return to our home. I hope and pray that you all show and demonstrate Christ's love to one another the same way. We are all feeling much better and expect to be fully present this weekend, to worship with you, to open the Word with you, and to enjoy the fellowship and community of the church with you. We'll see you Sunday!

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at