The Lord is Good!

Psalm 38:4 says, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" Many times in my life I have fled to take refuge in the Lord. Often when circumstances that are less than desirable come our way or when we lack knowledge about what to do, we run to take refuge in the wrong places. This verse tells us where we should run to and take refuge--the Lord! The verse offers the benefit of taking refuge in the Lord--His blessing. And, the verse calls us to remember that the refuge and the blessing that we find is because the Lord is good! The verse says, taste and see, those are sensory reactions to something tangible. I hope that the goodness of the Lord is tangible to you. A few hours ago, as I write this on Thursday morning, a lady from Grand Rapids contacted the church to hear the story of how The Village Church came to be. As I recounted the story of what God has done and is doing I was able to taste and see goodness of the Lord to us. Christian, the Lord is good! I'm excited to be with you this Sunday and open the Word of God with you, worship the Lord with you, and share the Lord's Supper with you! I'll see you Sunday!

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at