Hello reader! I don't typically want to use this writing spot as an announcement, but this week, I kind of feel compelled to. So, I have three announcements for you!
Ladies, I hope you will take the opportunity to join with other Village Women on Saturday, August 1st, at 10am at the Byron Sesquicentennial Park, for fellowship, prayer and time in the word! Husbands, I hope that you will do all within your power to see to it that your wife is ministered to by other women! This is necessary! So, whatever you have to do try and make it possible for your wife to join the other women on Saturday!
On Wednesday, July 29th, the governor of the State of Michigan issued yet another executive order limiting again the number of people who can gather inside to 10 and the number of those who can gather outside to 100. We have received a few calls and questions regarding how this will affect our church gathering. Simply, it won't. Please note, that per the governor's executive order, places of worship, and those attending a place of worship for a religious service are exempt from these restrictions. We still have hand sanitizer available and it is still perfectly accept for you to wear a mask or maintain safe social distance from people if you prefer too. Please join us if you can!
This Sunday's sermon is called There is One Baptism and, you guessed it, we will be talking about baptism. This COVID season has presented many challenges to ministry, one great challenge to me has been baptism. "If someone comes to faith in Jesus Christ and is saved and desires to get baptized, how will we do that?" I wish I had the answer to that question, but I'm not sure that I do just yet. However, if the Lord has been nudging your or prompting you in the area of obedience to Christ through baptism, or if you have any questions on baptism, I want to encourage you to join us Sunday night, listen to the sermon online, or contact me. I want to talk with you and help you take steps of obedience to the Lord.
Lastly, this Sunday I will be sharing special news about our Sunday gathering. I have shared the last two weeks that I have been in a season of encouragement, and the news that we have share this Sunday is equally encouraging! If you can, join us! If the internet connection cooperates with us, we'll be live on Facebook at 6pm! Church, I'm praying for us. We are loved. Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)