Hello church family and friends! If you weren't able to join us last Sunday, August 2nd, or catch the video on Facebook you may have missed the news. We were very thankful, after the COVID lockdown season, to be offered the opportunity to gather in the gym at Byron Baptist Church for our weekly worship service. Meeting at 6pm, though difficult for some to get used to, seems to have been a very good transition time out of the lockdown season and back into gathering regularly. However, we knew that meeting at 6pm was only for a season. We didn't know how long that season would last but we were thankful for it and we have hoped, Lord willing, that we would be able to return to a Sunday morning gathering. Well, Church, the gracious hand of the Lord has made that hope a reality. Starting in early September The Village Church will again be meeting at 10am on Sunday morning.
For the past two years we have labored together in youth ministry with our friends at Byron Baptist, providing opportunity for the youth of both churches and our community. We are not entirely sure what youth ministry will look like this year, but with the desire to continue laboring together for the sake of the gospel among the youth of our community and needing the gym space on Sunday evenings, the church body at Byron Baptist has given their approval for The Village Church to meet at 10am on Sunday mornings, still in the gym. We give glory to God for the grace and favor with which he has blessed the relationship that we have with the saints at Byron Baptist.
What an exciting and incredible moment for the Gospel in the community of Byron and in the churches! What other testimony can be given for the reason that two churches would meet in one location at the same time other than the power and working of the Lord Jesus Christ within and between the two churches? It's exciting also, in that this will open doors for more people to serve the church in new ways. So, keep your eyes and ears open for more details. When we have an exact transition date, when we know the specific opportunities to serve, we'll be sure to pass the information along! Be encouraged church! God is doing wonderful things in our midst! Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)