A New Piece of Life Together!!

Church, I am excited to begin a new chapter of our life together as a church this Sunday: members meetings! They’ve been a long time coming. It is my hope and prayer that these times together will glorify God and be fruitful for the gospel and for our church!

I am excited to come together in the close-knit community that God has built for us. To some extent we do this every Sunday, but that is the more broad, universal gathering of Christians together for worship. I'm referring to the more specific, committed family of God within the gathered church—the membership—those committed to one another because of and through their mutual faith in Jesus Christ.

I wish I had more space to detail what these meetings will be like, but here's the deal: if you are a member, join us this Sunday night at 6pm and we'll learn together. If you're not a member, what are you waiting for? Church is not something we do; it’s a family we belong to.

I'm excited to be with you all this Sunday! I love singing, praying, and hearing from God’s Word together! Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday!

Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)