Hello Village Church family and friends,
Last Sunday night, we took a healthy step forward in our life together as a church. The members of the church came together to recognize the commitment they have made to one another in the covenant of church membership, by signing the membership covenant. It wasn't a ceremonious experience, but it was certainly a beautiful moment. It was so encouraging to see people commit themselves to the work of the Lord and to one another. Other church business was handled as well. The 2021 budget was unanimously approved by the membership in attendance, 37 in all.
Following the example of the early church, in Acts 1:21-26, and Acts 6:1-5, I asked the members who were present to recommend the names of any men who, through a season of prayer, had been laid on their hearts as able and biblically qualified to serve as elders in the church. These recommendations produced the names of 10 men from among our church family! Praise God! Please continue praying for our church, as we now have proactive steps to take toward seeing the Lord re-establish a plurality of elders at The Village Church. Please pray for me, as I seek to lead this process in a way that is productive, biblical, and God-honoring.
Members meetings aren't business meetings; business is discussed and handled, but it’s so much more than that. It's where we live and handle life together as a church. Members meetings will be a time for us to look back with thanksgiving on what God has done, to look inside with care at what God is doing, and to look ahead with anticipation of what God will do. I'm excited to be with you all this Sunday! Hearing your voices sing out God's praise was an incredible blessing last week! I can't wait to sing, to pray, to hear from the Word, and to have fellowship with one another again this week! Lord willing I'll see you then!
Grace & Peace,
(You can reach Pastor John at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)