Happy New Year!

Hello Village Church family and friends!

As we prepare, Lord willing, to turn the calendar from one year to the next, I am mindful of the work that God has done in and among The Village Church. I hope, by calling our attention to some of these things, to stir your praise and worship of God for his steadfast love and faithfulness to us. In no certain order, we praise God for what he has done among The Village Church in 2021:

  • We have witnessed several testimonies, professions of faith, and baptisms!

  • Sunday children’s ministry resumed after nearly a year break due to COVID.

  • We saw the start of youth and adult Sunday School classes this fall.

  • A new opportunity for Wednesday night Bible study, along with prayer, began in the fall.

  • Also on Wednesday nights this fall, we were able to start a weekly Kids Club.

  • We worshipped alongside our facility host and family in Christ, Byron Baptist Church, on Easter Sunday and Christmas Eve, along with a couple of other Sunday’s as well.

  • Conversation opened up between The Village and Byron Baptist about the possibility of becoming one church for the glory of God and the cause of the Gospel.

  • Men stepped into new preaching and teaching roles at The Village.

  • Prayer for men to serve as elders (pastors) brought about recommendations from the church membership of specific men to be examined for possible service in this role, examination is currently taking place.

  • The Lord led us to further consideration of gospel work outside of The Village (missions) and we are praying for his direction in becoming a sending church for a couple from within The Village.

  • All of this, including much personal, biblical, and spiritual growth of many within the church.

Church, to God glory, great things he has done! As this year closes, please join me in continued prayer for our church and God’s continued direction and provision for us. May we continue to live a life of repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. May we continue to grow in the knowledge and truth of the Lord, and through devotion to his Word, into all the fullness of Christ. May we continue loving one another and showing ourselves to be Christ’s disciples. May we continue to labor on for the glory of God and the renown of his name in all the earth!

Happy New Year Village Church!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor John