Hello Village Church Family and Friends,
I pray that you are well! If you are a professing believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, living a life of repentance toward God and faith in Jesus, then I pray that this writing finds you resting in the grace and mercy of our Savior and our God. If you have questions about salvation, if you’d like to know more about Jesus , who he is and what he has done, please contact us today! We’d love to talk with you!
I have felt led and am calling us, as a church, to 30 days of prayer; April 1-30, 2022. Whether you are a committed member or a regular attender of The Village Church, if you call The Village home on a regular basis, I’m inviting you to join in this 30 days.
“Well, pastor, what are you asking us to pray for?” I’m glad you asked! I’m calling us to a season of prayer for, well, us; The Village Church. The Lord has been at work in and among The Village and we give all glory and praise to Him for the good things he has done. We find ourselves in a season of great excitement in a few areas and believe that before we let ourselves think that our own hands or our own brain power has done anything, it is right for us to assume a posture of humility and prayer before Almighty God. So, here is a list of things to keep in prayer throughout this month:
Jon Collins, who was recommended by the membership for consideration as an elder at our January 31st meeting, in 2021, has completed a season of pastoral examination and has been recommended back to the membership for examination and consideration as an elder. Upon completion of this season of prayer and examination the membership will meet to make a decision on this matter.
Mark and Franciska Richardson will be on a plane to Belize, in less than 40 days, to further explore the direction of God in their life and the possibility for biblical-mission work there. For our part, as a church, we are asking God to help us know if he is using us to be a sending church for Mark and Franciska.
Mystery Island VBS, June 20-24, 2022: Tracking Down the One True God! We have not held a VBS since 2019. We are very excited to be able to bring this week-long proclamation of God and the gospel to the children of our community! There’s plenty to do and plenty of room for help! Pray for all the workers involved. Most of all pray for those hearts that God will draw to himself and save through our effort to proclaim his truth.
Lastly, pray for The Village Church as a whole. Seven Prayers for The Village Church were developed for a season at the end of 2020. However, we quickly realized that these prayers, grounded in Scripture, were something that a church should always be praying. If you aren’t familiar with these prayers, they are available every Sunday to be picked up at our welcome table. I would strongly encourage you to get a copy of them and add them to your daily prayer throughout April and beyond.
Please pray for The Village Church. We believe that central to our mission and chief among our purposes is to glorify the name of our great and awesome God. We seek to do this through expositional Bible preaching and teaching, through the baptism of new believers, and through the discipling of believers in all of Christ’s commands. Join me in praying for God’s continued favor on The Village Church, that we may stand out like lights in a crooked and perverse generation, as we walk through the rest of this, our short and certain life to the eternity prepared for us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor John White
(You can reach Pastor John at any time by email at jwhite@thevillagemi.com)