Becoming One Church: A Discussion

Hello Village Family and Friends,

In March of this year, we, The Village Church, were contacted by Byron Baptist Church with the news that they desired to consider anew the path to becoming one church with us. Their membership was united behind the idea and formal discussion about the two churches becoming one began in early April.

Previous discussion more than a year ago led to an understanding that, as far as matters of doctrine and theology are concerned, we are united. Both churches hold to the authority of Scripture, the autonomy of the local church, and the practice of believer baptism.

With matters of doctrine known and understood, the goal of the discussion to this point has been to come to a working understanding of how both churches operate; what they do; how they are led, and how they are governed. To help us work through these things, we have been looking at the weekly schedules and yearly calendars of each church, for the purpose of providing to both churches, what it would look like for the two to be one church.

It is our hope that in early June, we will be able to provide a plan for the two churches to consider and discuss. Then after a season of prayer, each church will hold a vote of the membership as to the plan.

These conversations have been filled with joy and awe at the work of God among us. The Lord has provided numerous opportunities for these two churches to interact and worship together (including this Sunday as we worship together at 10am, at Byron Baptist Church!). We are looking forward to Summer Kids Club and laboring together for the Gospel in our community.

We are asking that you please be in prayer for these two churches as we walk this forward. If you have any questions or want to know more, you are always more than welcome to contact us. Hearing from you helps us in our discussion.

On behalf of the Elders,
John White, pastor

You can reach the elders at anytime by email at:
John White,
Jon Collins,