Becoming One Church: More Details

Happy Friday everyone! It’s a holiday weekend and we hope your plans include gathering with the church this Sunday morning!

After another good week of discussions with Byron Baptist Church, we have finished the assessment of how both churches operate and what they do. Now, we are putting together what a weekly schedule would look like as one church, as well as what ministries and events we could look forward to being a part of, as a united church within this community.

Our goal, Lord willing, is to present this information to both churches on June 11. We will be gathered together for worship on this day, as the school is unavailable for The Village Church to gather in. This will allow for both churches to receive the exact same information at the same time.

Church, these are exciting times, but they are times that demand our prayer and humility. Let us pray for the protection of God and unity of the Spirit for the people of both churches. Let us walk in humility and love before God and man and may we live to see God glorified in a greater way in our hearts and lives, in our church, and in our community.

Lord willing, I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday morning!

On behalf of the Elders,
John White, pastor

You can reach the elders at anytime by email at:
John White,
Jon Collins,