Temporary Location Change

Village Family and Friends,

Due to circumstances beyond our control, our ability to gather as The Village Church has been hindered for the past couple weeks and continues to be for the next few weeks. However, our ability to gather as God’s people for the specific purpose of worship, prayer and preaching has not been hindered. After morning worship, last Sunday, The Village elders explained that, due to construction work and lack of staffing at Byron Elementary, we are not able to meet at the school and will be gathering with Byron Baptist Church to worship.

This information prompted two questions from members: “What about Sunday School?” and, “What about giving?”

SUNDAY SCHOOL: in this season, we are going to take a break from our regular Sunday School classes. This aligns with the future thought that we would take summers off from Sunday School classes, though we were not looking to implement that this year. This obviously prompts the question, “So what is there for children on Sunday’s as we gather with Byron Baptist Church?” Byron Baptist offers nursery care for babies and toddlers, and children’s church, during the Sunday preaching, for preschool through 5th grade.

GIVING: In this season, the best means of giving will be by mail (“The Village Church” PO Box 327, Byron, MI 48418) or online (thevillagemi.com/giving). 

We want to make sure you know that in this season, it is only our regular Sunday gathering that is impacted. There is a calendar of events still happening and taking place. There are future events being planned, and Lord willing, executed. There are outlets of ministry being considered and prayed over.

This season of gathering with Byron Baptist has also given us a great unique opportunity to worship and serve with, and to get to know our brothers and sisters with whom we are asking, “Should we become one church?”

Above all, brothers and sisters, we are still able to gather each and every Sunday to worship the Lord together and encourage one another in this life. One of the great characteristics of The Village Church has been our ability to remain nimble and to remember that the church of the living God is so much larger than ourselves. We have often prayed that the Lord would burden us with a greater concern for his glory and the advance of the Gospel than for wordly comfort and satisfaction. It seems to me that we are being called to attest how genuinely we have meant the words of this prayer to our God.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Lord willing, we’ll see you Sunday!

On behalf of the elders,
Grace and Peace,
John White

You can reach the elders at anytime by email at:
Jon Collins, jcollins@thevillagemi.com
John White, jwhite@thevillagemi.com