VBS, Questions, and Meetings

Hello Village Family and Friends,

I want to give you a brief update on things happening around the church and among the body.

First, thank you to everyone who has been involved with VBS kid’s club on Wednesday nights or who have been intentionally praying for this. We’ve had around 50 children coming to hear the truth of God’s Word on Wednesday nights, and this week, the kids learned about God’s Word and the belt of truth. Brothers and sisters, please continue to pray for the salvation of these young ones. as the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed over the course of the summer. May God be glorified! 

Also, thank you to each of you who, so far, have come forward with comments and questions regarding the proposal to become one church with Byron Baptist. Your feedback is beneficial and helps us as shepherds to better care for you in this important time for us as a body, here at The Village Church. Please continue to provide feedback and bring your questions to the elders, as we collectively seek the Lord’s will in this season. 

Next, if you were able to join us last Sunday, you likely heard the announcement regarding two specific changes to the timeline for the proposed one church. The dates for the Question & Answer and the Merger Vote have each moved out one full week. Due to scheduling conflicts, the Question & Answer is now on July 16th, and the vote will be on July 23rd. 

Finally, just a reminder that this Sunday evening, June 25th, at 6pm, at the Municipal building in Byron, the Village is having a church-wide meeting. This meeting is open to anyone who calls the Village church home. You don’t need to be a member of the Village to attend. We welcome you to come and bring your questions regarding the proposed one church. We look forward to answering your questions.

Dear ones, please know that your pastors pray for you often, and that shepherding and caring for you is both an honor and a humbling joy. God willing, we will see you this Lord’s Day. 

In Christ,
Jon Collins, pastor

You can reach the elders anytime by email at:
Jon Collins, jcollins@thevillagemi.com
John White, jwhite@thevillagemi.com