Village Family and Friends,
As we head into another weekend I hope you are planning to join us for worship this Sunday!
I am excited to open God’s Word as we gather together. But I will admit, it’s really challenging me this week. This Sunday in the One Another series we will look at the command to forgive one another. The biblical doctrine of forgiveness is one that if we pay very careful attention to will revolutionize our life with one another.
Last week we talked about the biblical command to love one another. When we love one another as Christ has loved us, we will forgive one another in ways that lead us to being an even more compelling, Christ-created community.
As we prepare to gather and worship the Lord this weekend, it is right for us to begin asking the Lord to soften our hearts to his word on this difficult to do doctrine and give us the strength to live it out. Everyone wants to be forgiven, we all want forgiveness. But are we as eager to forgive others? Are we as eager to extend the forgiveness that we ourselves want? As we examine God’s Word this Sunday, we will see that not only should we want to forgive others, whether or not to forgive someone should never be a question among God’s people.
I’m looking forward to gathering together this Sunday. Lord willingI’ll see you then!
Grace & Peace,
John White
You can reach the elders anytime by email at:
Jon Collins,
John White,