One Another: Pray

Hello Village Family and Friends,

This Sunday, we will be continuing our “One Another” series, focusing specifically on what the bible says about prayer for one another. Dear ones, we are called to pray, and specifically commanded to pray for one another! Please join us for the next message in this important series, this Sunday, at 10 AM, at Byron Baptist Church.

Also, this weekend we will be introducing a new song, “Our God Will Go Before Us”. This song is an important reminder for us, as two congregations gathering together, uncertain of what the future may hold for each congregation. Will we merge? What happens if we do not? And yet, what is most important for us to remember is that our God goes before us. God has always led His people; He led Israel through the desert, and He leads His church still today. I would encourage you to learn this song and be ready to sing it this Sunday together as one. You can listen to it here.

As a reminder, there will be a potluck this Sunday after church, for Jarrod and Emma Buswell, who are moving to North Carolina. All are welcome! Please bring a dish (or two!) to pass, and come fellowship with the church, as we enjoy food and time together as Christians.

Lord willing, we will see you this Sunday.

In Christ,
Jon Collins

You can reach the elders anytime by email at:
Jon Collins,
John White,