One Another: Bear (with)

Hello Village family!

I want to share with you a couple of great opportunities on the horizon that we are praying the Lord will use for the glory of his name and the furthering of the gospel in the hearts and lives of people in Byron.

Gospel Ministry to the Schools - The Break. It has been since before the COVID outbreak in 2020 that The Village has been involved with The Break for Byron Middle and High School. We have been praying for opportunity and for open doors for gospel ministry and this fall, the Lord has opened those doors. Starting September 26th, each Tuesday, between 10am and 12pm, groups of Middle and high School students will be released during their school day; we will pick them up, bring them to the church building, and provide them with lunch and a Bible lesson, and then return them to the school for the remainder of their day. If this local mission opportunity interests you, there are several ways to be involved in this: kitchen help (preparing food and cleanup); providing a sweet treat (cookies, brownies, etc.) to go along with lunch); driving the shuttles back and forth to the schools; or simply coming and being a friend and interacting with the students. If you have anymore questions about The Break you can contact Theresa Krejci by call/text at (810) 444-6516.

Midweek Student Ministry - Kids and Youth. It has been our desire and prayer as a church to see a return of midweek student ministry, a weekly opportunity for the children and teens of our church and the greater community to come and learn the great truth of God ways relevant to their ages. We want to see this begin as soon as we have enough committed volunteers for every area and age, it simply won’t be possible to don’t.

  • Kids Club (K-5). will run from 6:30-8pm and be for any student K-5th grade and involve a Bible lesson, Scripture memorization, games, and most importantly, time interacting with the students helping them learn about the Lord. So those who may have children to young for Kids Club can be able to serve, we would like to see a nursery-care as well.

  • Youth (6th-12th grade). In addition to Sunday night youth group, we are working toward increasing our opportunity to teach teenagers about living life for the Lord, helping them to grow up into God-fearing, Christians, who serve the Kingdom in mighty ways.

If you are reading this and thinking, “Man, that’s a lot of work,” you’re right. People keep asking about these things and when they will start, but In order to run a midweek student ministry we will all need to be involved and pull in the same direction. If you are motivated to help connect a young heart to Jesus, if you want to see something more for teens in our community besides sports and trouble, join in the effort to bring student ministry to life in the church and let’s reach these kids with the truth and love of Jesus Christ.

Whether The Break or midweek student ministry, look for the signups sheets with volunteer opportunities in the lobby this Sunday and signup! Ephesians 4:12 teaches us that work of ministry in the church belongs in the hands of the saints of the church. Let’s put our hands to the work and bring glory to God!

I’m excited to worship with you this week as we share the Lord’s Supper together and look at the command of Scripture to bear one another’s burdens. Lord willing, I’ll see you Sunday!

Grace & Peace,

You can reach the elders anytime by email at:
Jon Collins,
John White,